Thursday, 8 March 2018

You can heal yourself... no one else can do it for you

Self healing is largely forgotten.

There is a bunch of cash declaring that "they" can cure you, or "their" vitamin supplements can cure you, but the final results or a mixture of good and bad, with at minimum 97% finding that the promise was b.s.

Real health is actually quite simple.

You furnish your body with the ninety imperative nutrients every single person needs.
You move your body.
You eat food that agrees with your body, particularly your individual DNA.
You sleep properly and enough time.
You drink enough water so your tissues are reasonably hydrated.

Now, if you want to be really well ... you may may want to KNOW more than the average person knows. You most definitely should avoid physicians, nutritionists, energy healers, even chiropractors.

Anyone who only makes money when you are sick.

They will make certain you remain sick.

The whole establishment is backwards ... so they should not be trusted.

Common sense and common knowledge will make you sick ... guaranteed.

Let me introduce myself,

My name is Sophie Benshitta Maven. I am 70 years old woman. I am a True Empath, and a clairsentient ...

I can be connected to you ... in effect I can merge myself with your physical body, and sense what you really feel.

Do not ask me: it is not pleasant. But this is how I can really feel what you feel, and be able to go beyond your words to understand what troubles you. I feel your body, and I feel your feelings. This last one is the least fun part.

I can also connect to All-knowledge. I am not sure why, I have no idea how, but this Source of All knowledge has been available to me for seven years now, and I can ask yes/no questions, and get answers.

And I can get you a list of the nutritional insufficiencies you have, the food items that you can grow healthy with, in what way you should eat, what nutritional supplement to get.

I hardly ever have repeat clients, because people either get well, most of my clients, or they don't follow my instructions, so why come back.

So I have to get it right at first attempt ... lol.

I also have energy items that make it possible for you to sleep well, get calmer, get calm and collected, and an energy that turns purified water into healing water.

I also write a blog that has 3300 posts ... ... just google it.

sleep well

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