Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Personal Trainer Burbank Scott Yonehiro Bio | Burbank Fitness Video

Hi I'm Scott Yonehiro, Burbank personal trainer and creator of the Ballistic Body Fitness System. I was born and raised in Oahu in Honolulu Hawaii back in 1971. I'm turning 39 this year and I'm in the best shape of my life but let me tell you why. I've spent my whole life doing fitness since I was a young kid at my uncle's gym back in Honolulu. From there I've worked in martial arts, sports, athletics. Even did fitness modeling when I first moved here to Los Angeles in 1996. Some might say that I was in the best shape of my life at that time but I wasn't. I was hungry, starving all of the time and thirsty. Then I went through some great travesties that happened in my life. The death of my father, the destruction of my marriage and divorce caused me to gain a lot of weight due to stress. I was 278 pounds and I realized that something had to change. I had to create a better system that would allow me to build lean muscle mass, burn fat and be able to build overall strength that could be maintained and managed throughout the years. And that's why I created the Ballistic Body Fitness System. The Ballistic Body Fitness System is the application of three different principles and theories in fitness and health. The first would be the Tabata system, the second is the concept of cross-training, and the third is traditional bodybuilding. Tabata system was originated in Japan. It is a series of circuit training by putting 3 to 4 different exercises together at high-intensity intervals with very little rest in-between. The key is to keep the heart rate up, keep the metabolism high and to force your body to burn fat at an accelerated rate. Cross training using classic Olympic style movements, and different irregular types of exercises will allow more versatility in the body and more in-depth core strength. Traditional body building helps with symmetry and building a beautiful physique and having a lean sexy body that's camera and show worthy. In the three months that I've been doing the Ballistic Body Fitness 90 Day Challenge, I've seen more results than in 4 years of Nautilus training.

Burbank Nutrition

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