Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Prostatitis and a Cure - how to get taken seriously by Urology Doctors and get the tests and treatment that a Prostatitis sufferer deserves..

Don't believe a word!..
Here's a list of some of the most outrageous statements that Doctors/ the Medical Profession typically say about Prostatitis..

  • "It's all in your head"
  • "There's nothing wrong with you, just go and take up a hobby and get your mind off the symptoms you think you are feeling and it will all disappear"
  • "Your tests are negative, you've probably got CPPS, just exercise and it will all go away"
  • "If you had any infection the tests would show it, so no, there's nothing wrong with you"
  • "I think I should refer you to psychology, an antidepressant course will work wonders for you"
  • "If it makes you feel better, I'll give you a strong antibiotic, that will kill anything!".. yer, right!

As you pick your way through the Prostatitis diagnosis and treatment desert, you are likely to hear any or all of the above statements a multitude of times.

Let me confirm what you already know all too well, but seems to escape most of the medical profession:

  • Infection is likely the cause of Prostatitis in 90+% of cases, not the opposite..
  • Prostatitis is serious; it destroys a patient's life little by little, the pain, the unease, the monetary cost, the effect on the whole family, a patient's difficulty in just keeping their job let alone advancing through job promotions.
  • Your tests are negative ONLY because the infection(s) are chronic; this means they will NOT culture in a laboratory like an acute infection will. This coupled with the ever-increasing desire of medical providers to make more money means the laboratory culture for any stage of an infection is likely only overnight (around 12 hours). This may give a positive result to an acute infection but it is highly unlikely to do so for an infection of longer than a few months.
    THIS IS WHERE ALL THE NEGATIVE RESULTS COME IN..     your test was not negative, it was an inadequate test!
  • Dispensing antibiotics like candy should be made a criminal act. And the sentence should be double time if a test is not attempted first. Candy antibiotics which have not been proven in a laboratory to be active against an infection is likely to do little more than PROMOTE BACTERIAL RESISTANCE.

And.. if you were ever lucky enough to get a positive test done, getting a Doctor to ensure that the best choice of antibiotic and length of treatment period is carried out is still a bit of a lottery.

There are very good Doctors, the trick is how to find them..

Getting diagnosed and treated for infectious prostatitis is HARD.
I do have some news for you, I got helped by reading a website of a former infectious prostatitis sufferer who got cured and sat down and wrote about it and I'll be very surprised if that website can't help you too..

Go to: https://www.sexualhealthclinics.org
Don't be concerned about the word "sex" in the name, it's ALL about Prostatitis!

prostatitis treatment

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