Wednesday 21 February 2018

Edward Kundahl is the mastermind behind BusinessCreator, a company that strives to help others with marketing.

Edward Kundahl is the mastermind behind BusinessCreator, a company that strives to help others with marketing. Kundahl has developed a one-stop shop for businesses in need of reaching clients. It is a job he relishes as his work directly affects clients and their success.

Kundahl has also authored a very popular book entitled, Local Market Domination: 7 Must Know Strategies to Drive Local Traffic Straight To Your Door. It is a book that shares Kundahl’s expertise in the marketing field, and gives insight into improving a business’s reach.

Marketing wasn’t Kundahl’s first interest, but through a little luck, it has become a career he wouldn’t give up for anything in the world. Except perhaps, a muscle car.


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